Okay, the saga of the missing notifications goes on.
Last night (11.45 to be exact) I spent a good 30 minutes talking to Dave from the Wix helpline in America about the problems you folks are having reading the riveting stuff I am putting out haha.
Dave concluded that the settings were okay and everything should be fine but he could not put his finger on exactly what was wrong. So at the end of our conversation Miss Dorothy as he called me was bumped up the investigation ladder to the advanced help team (ooo I hear you all say) well they have been working on the problem all day and as yet they are still unsure what is going on, so all I can suggest at the moment is that you access the blog through the website www.thejungalowconnection.co.uk and not wait for notifications. Hopefully, we will get this sorted A.S.A.P.
Well, this afternoon I paid a visit to my hairdresser to vamoose the pink, it was well-washed out and so yesterday haha. So for the foreseeable future, this is my new look.
It is dark blonde with copper undertones. Don't know what happened to the middle picture because to me that still looks pink.
The mother unit has been winging her way back up from Essex today and arrived back around 5.30 having been on the road for 8 hours. I had been to Aldi to get her a few emergency provisions, ham, bread, milk that sort of thing and I will go and see her tomorrow as her manfriend George was champing at the bit to see her. Don't get any ideas he is 93 haha. Whilst I was in Aldi I treat myself to a tray of sushi in honour of the Olympics starting today in Tokyo.