So no builder today, which gives me a chance to catch up on some jobs I have been putting off. Just before I ventured a toe out of my warm bed this morning I made a mental list, Let's see if I achieved any of them before the end of this blog haha.
Put the washing on. Then hang said washing out (Easy that one)
Cut the front lawn (this is now possible as the lawnmower blades have arrived)
Cut the back lawn (A much bigger task, hopefully, it will dry out before the rain starts later today)
Strip the dining room (heartbreaking as it is) wallpaper off the wall in the new kitchen.
Put up my next four weeks of tablets (again easy)
Plant some new honeysuckle plants. I bought 3 different varieties and plan to plant them in the same large pot so that they will grow together and be a mixture of colours and fragrances. I did the same last year with three colours of Wisteria, very effective.
Finish knitting the third dishcloth, this one is for my daughter-in-law Nikki, I finished Sarah's last night haha.
As you can see I have a busy day ahead, so that is why I had some bacon sandwiches for breakfast to keep me going.
SUCCESS - 6 out of 7 chores accomplished, as I thought 1 and 5 easily achieved. 2, 3 and 6 pictures below, I am super proud of what I have done today out in the garden. Just finished as the sky began to fill with clouds. But it was a keen wind so fairly cold out there today. The third picture is a red climbing Jasmine which I had forgotten I had bought haha. It is positioned in a huge pot near my front door with the potential to climb over my arched porch.
After my morning's efforts, I have awarded myself a round of banana sandwiches and a bucket of coffee. I am in no mood to strip wallpaper this afternoon so I am going to sit and complete No.7 ahead of the last family quiz before people start escaping out into the world on a Saturday night. Wallpaper stripping will be achieved tomorrow after lunch.
Well done you! I spend my life making lists! All on hold now as broken my wrist! My left one and I’m left handed!