Oh, my days this trolley would be a great asset haha. At the moment the mother unit does like a shopping trip, but unfortunately, it is getting more and more exhausting for her. But she is very stoic and will not give up haha.
This morning it was my turn to be spooked, I arrived at her house at 9 o'clock and had to knock her up. All the blinds and curtains were closed and she took ages to come to the door. So whilst she got dressed I made her breakfast and made her bed. By 9.40 we were ready to start today's marathon shop.
We went to 5 different stores today which took ages.
Ben texted me mid-morning telling me that if I was out and about he was in all day at home. So around 12.45 I purchased some sandwiches and then mother and I headed off to Ben's new house in Aycliffe for our lunch.
It being a new build things take time to finish and it was nice to see the back garden sorted and looking good. Of course, the children are champing at the bit to go on the new lawn, but Ben is holding them off until they return from their annual holidays to allow the grass to take hold properly.
When I arrived home I was unloading my car when the old lady next door came out and invited me in for a cuppa. As it was too late to plant the border plants I had bought and it was about an hour before I had to pick up the boys from school I agreed to pop in after I had put my shopping away. When I went in she had laid out a proper tea party, cake, biscuits that sort of thing, so I had a coffee and tucked into some delicious Ringtons Tea Lemon Cake, which past a lovely half hour until I had to go and pick up the boys.

Now back in the day the rave TV show to watch was Downton Abbey, well I had never gotten around to watching the series, it never quite floated my boat as it were.
But the other night I sat down and watched the film version of the series which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was made in 2019 but it has only just come to my attention. I suppose if you watched the series the film may be a bit samey but if like me you are new to Downton Abbey it is well worth a watch.