Maybe tomorrow I will be able to go back to sleep. But at the moment I am on the school run every day and after school minding for Sarahs two children.
When I was working I used to love Fridays because it meant that the weekend had arrived and I got to stay in bed or go anywhere I wanted.
Now Fridays mean the end of a long week and the expectation of two days of peace and quiet. Hopefully, it is only until Sarah gets her car sorted out.
It was shopping with the mother unit this morning argghhhh my head is battered. Her insistence on picking useless items off the shelves to look at backfired this morning as she dragged a whole display of wooden crates to the ground, what a clatter they made I was so embarrassed that I may have used my outside voice to ask her what she was doing. long story short she took the huff and went and waited in the car. I, in the meantime, was left picking wooden crates up and re-stacking them.
Whilst I am on the subject of the mother unit, a couple of weeks ago I told you about the debacle over her medication when she took 3 times the number of tablets that she should have in one go. Well, halfway to our first stop this morning I asked her if she had taken her meds - no was the reply so I had to turn the car around and go and collect them. I said that she really must take care of her tablets. to which she said I always take the tablets at the right time. She point blank refused to accept that she had messed up big time a few weeks ago-worrying.
So really today I have not done very much but I have ended the day super stressed haha. I am looking forward to a few up and coming events over the next couple of weeks so that is something to hang onto. The first thing is taking advantage of the eating inside a restaurant rule, I am taking my children and their partners out to our favourite Chinese restaurant. The following week I am going down to Southwell in Nottinghamshire to meet up with my cruise friends, can't wait.