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Should I have kissed the frog?????

As I settled down last night to read a few chapters of my latest read before bed I was thinking of the extra time I was going to get in bed the following morning, no need to get up on the alarm or rush out to take people for appointments it was going to be a treat.

Just as I was about to put my kindle down a WhatsApp message came through from Sarah saying that the children had requested that I take them to school because they wanted to be on time, apparently my son in law is a little tardy in that department haha. So just like that my lye in was gone, oh well never mind, it is always a joy to see any of my grandchildren.

When I came back from the school run this morning I noticed that my wildlife menagerie had grown. This beautiful froggy was out in broad daylight, sitting in my front garden. I took his picture before shooing him off into the undergrowth and safety. Perhaps I should have kissed him before shooing him away, you never know haha.

Having lost my other garage residence, the four blackbird chicks and their parents a week ago, I now have the unenviable task of cleaning out the garage which is covered with droppings, which are everywhere, thanks for that birdies.

This afternoon I have been gardening. Decided that the borders in the back garden could do with a lot of attention. Okay, my gardener will be coming tomorrow, but I fancied doing a bit myself. It is surprising where the bloody ground elder keeps coming from, but it is like trying to stop a leak in a dam with some cotton wool. I tried poisons last year and lost a lovely flowering plant in the process, so the best thing I can do is just keep digging it out.

I was in the mood today to do a little bit of writing. My latest novel is an adult read which has taken me 2 years so far and is nowhere near finished. It is completely different to what I usually write and the subject matter is a bit grim haha, so I have to be in the mood to add to it. Well, today I managed to add 1000 words which are not bad. For months I have had writer's block on the subject and couldn't work out how to get the story to flow from one part to the next. My process of writing can sometimes mean I write the ending first or chapters in the middle and then have to join the bits together. This is the proposed cover of the new novel, but as yet it is still a work in progress.

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