Good morning to my lovely blog readers. The sun is shining and all is well in Jungalow land.
Today, however, is going to be super busy. At 11 o'clock I am at the eye clinic with the mother unit, it is very hit and miss about the length of time you spend at the clinic as it depends on the treatment she needs, so I will be taking my trusty Kindle along, particularly since I am not allowed to stay with her in the clinic due to covid and will be banished to the landing near the lifts. At 1 o'clock I have Zoom Governor training on Support and challenge for Polam Hall, 2.30 will see me hot-footing it down to Sarahs to let Dave the dog out for a sneaky wee. Then back home in time for the children to get in from school. Tonight I will be feeding the boys their tea as Sarah and Lee have gone off to Yorks, McCarthy Glen retail park. I also think I will be having mum around for her tea ahead of our weekly card game. Phew and breath.
Mum saw the dishcloths that I have been knitting yesterday and put in an order for one. But she didn't want it so bulky, she couldn't wring it out haha. So using the same pattern (see tutorial) but with size 6 needles I was able to knit mum a cloth last night she can use. It produced a much slacker knit, so I suppose it just depends on your preferences.
So by the end of play today we have (we of course that is the royal we as I am most certainly just a by-stander) all the ducting for the cooker hood and all the heavy-duty cabling has been chased through the wall to join up to the consumer unit in the utility room.
The ceiling looks like a giant spider web at the moment but as long as my lights go on and I can work my appliances I don't care haha.
Of course Dave the labrador was super excited to see his nana this afternoon. He bounced around the garden for 20 minutes before I had to get him back in and return him to his cage. He is a beautiful 18-month-old fox red lab, but he is very strong.