Well, this morning I was hoping that I would be dancing in the rain but ended up waiting for the storm to pass.
A few months ago I joined a dating agency, I know, don't say any more, whilst I have had about 60 matches sent from the agency none have floated my boat so to speak.
Well, a couple of weeks ago I began talking to 2 men on the site.
This afternoon I went into town to meet up with one of them. I have to say that the whole experience was a little awkward, I am so out of practice with these sorts of things. Anyway, long story short, although it was a nice interlude, I will not be pursuing this particular match any further. The man himself was very keen but I just was not feeling it. So there is one other that has caught my eye and we will see if that comes to anything. I have today cancelled my membership and will let the fates take a hand if I meet someone when I am out and about so be it but I am no longer interested in dating through an app.
Had another brilliant session with Harry this morning, we covered quite a bit of ground and I was actually able to teach him a process that he had previously found difficult, you never know it could be the one thing that helps him through his SAT'S.
I dipped my toe into the world of buying at auction today. I had seen a pair of terracotta warriors for the garden for sale at Thomas Watsons Auction house and I placed a bid. Since I have not heard anything from the Auction House I am assuming that my bid was unsuccessful, never mind. Let me add they were 58cm tall and not full-sized like the ones in the gif haha.
So I am off to get the mother unit now for her tea, Slow cooked beef and scallop potatoes and then it is cards at her house with Susan.