Had quite a disturbed night sleep last night. Earlier in the day I had been doing a little weeding in the garden and planting out yet another Heuchera plant.
I had been okay until I bent over to plant the heuchera, and that's when it happened, I felt a crack in my hip followed by a momentary flash of pain and then a dull ache.
The situation with my hip has gotten no better for overnight resting and I am currently surviving on Ibrufen and paracetamol.
I have tried to rest up whenever I can but Fridays are a little difficult. You see Friday is shopping day with the mother unit, however, this morning I put my foot down and told her that we would only be going to Aldi for our shopping no galavanting around 3 or 4 other shops. I have to say it wasn't too bad and here we are late into the afternoon and my hip has settled down really well.
My gardener Ian is here again this week, I usually only have him around once a fortnight, but I needed plants put into the new border so that they could get settled before the winter sets in hence the extra visit. I have asked him to re-sculpt the lawn also and plant a few skimmias for interest.
The skimmias that I bought to put in the new mini border were £9.99 per plant which I thought was great value judging by the size of the plant, but today when I purchased another 2 they came upon the till at £2.99 so bonus. So now I am nearly there with the garden and should be able to look forward to some winter colour.