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Modern Milkman

I have recently signed up with the Modern Milkman to receive doorstep deliveries of my milk.

I have also tried their orange juice, bread, sourdough, butter, potatoes and eggs.

Whilst I don't mind paying a little extra to get my milk in glass bottles, I feel that some of the other products are not good value for money.

Like most people, I am not over enamoured with spiders.

Whilst I don't go screaming from the room or run a mile they do creep me out.

I have often wondered about the long stray single threads which cover vast distances before the actual web starts. The other morning I was watching breakfast news and there was a segment on spiders that fly. As you can imagine it was a fascinating piece and warranted further investigation. What I found was that said spiders stick their bums containing their spinnerettes in the air and let out a long silken thread, the wind picks this up and the spider can locate many metres away hence the long threads. But it also said that these spiders reacted to Earth's electrical fields so all very interesting and only a little frightening haha.

My grape vine has produced over 12 mini bunches of grapes this year, which have ripened and taste ok but are very small. So, I have cracked how to get the vine to produce the grapes, and now all I have to do is get them to swell up, maybe next season.

On Tuesday this week, Sarah and I travelled up to Ramside Hall near Durham to the Elemis launch evening.

I was adamant that I was only going to look, as the products are so expensive, but I ended up spending £165. I have to say £100 of that was a Christmas gift for Sarah so that's another one I can tick off my list. I believe I only have two more to buy then I am done and can turn my attention to something else haha.

I have for some time now felt that my right knee was failing big time. Finally, on Thursday I went to have a conversation with my doctor, to get the ball rolling.

It has been five years since I had my left knee done and at the time I was told that my right knee was in a bad way. So, here we are five years down the road and I think it is time, bearing in mind that I could be waiting up to two years for the surgery I thought it better to get things started asap.

My doctor sent me for x-rays and the results came back "Your knee does show quite significant osteo arthritic changes" so I have been referred to the next hurdle to jump over before I actually get to see a surgeon. So now we wait.

Speaking of presents it is a timely reminder of how long you have left before the big man comes haha.

94 days




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Last week's solution did you find the cat in the crowd?

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