Feeling a bit profound this morning, hence the meme haha.
Well after the exertions of the weekend I had an early night and slept like the proverbial baby, waking up this morning around 8.30.
So there I was slobbing out with a cup of black coffee watching the breakfast show when someone rang the doorbell. By the time I got to the door and opened it (In the nightie haha not a good look at the best of times) there was no one there, so a bit of a mystery, which I would have to wait until mid-morning to be solved.
Around 11.30 my little old lady neighbour from next door wandered in, I had left the door open to let some fresh air in as it was such a lovely day, anyway back to the story, she had brought me some chocolates from Ringtons Tea for helping to get her tv going the other day. No matter how many times I tell her that I don't want anything she ignores it and goes ahead anyway.
This afternoon I was at mums and noticed that one of the bushes in her back garden had a lot of wasp activity around it. There must have been 100 or more buzzing frantically around. I just hope that they don't settle under the eaves as they did back in early summer. Anyway, whilst I was out in the garden investigating I notice her buddleia bush had flowered again and was covered in Red admirals and small tortoiseshell butterflies, the extraordinary thing was that the wasps were attacking the butterflies, something I have never seen before.
Being such a lovely day I decided that I would walk the school run today much to the annoyance of my 8-year-old grandson Leighton. He was at school alone today as Harry was not feeling well and was surprised to see me and devastated that I had not brought my car haha.