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So it was an earlier than usual start this mornng.

I was up and about at 7 o'clock, to make sure that I was suitably prepared for my morning at Polam Hall Shool.

I was already scheduled to oversee the year 2 SAT's, which I was looking forward to, but at the last minute on Friday I was asked to sit on an interview panel today. The job was for an internal SLT (senior leadership team) job.

I have to say both candidates were very good and put over their case for getting the job very well.

I was only happy that I was the official governor person to give the process its legal stamp, and although I had my input about the candidates I was not ultimately the one to choose.

When I picked the mother unit up yesterday dinner time she told me she had been in the garage (don't know what she was doing) but something had fallen on her and again her leg was bleeding and there was yet another flap of skin to be coaxed back into place. I had to ring my sister who was hosting to tell her we were going to be a little late whilst I put my nurses hat on again.

A couple of weeks ago I was given a bamboo couch by one of the neighbours. My intention was to put it in the garden but it was actually very big so I put the couch on Facebook Market place and sold it on. The money I got for it will be added to the Street Party Fund, which will help with expenses. So everyone was happy, the neighbours, who were going to chop it up anyway, the couple who bought it, space in my garage again, and in a couple of weeks hopefully a great street party.

I have been designing stuff for the street party again today. I have made a wrapper to cover a standard chocolate bar, which we will give out to the children with the £5 minted coin as a keepsake.

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