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Funny flamingoes

I have had over the last few weeks several visitors to the garden. The usual blue tits, pigeons, the odd seagull, squirrels that sort of thing, but this morning low and behold I had a hawk sitting in the branches of the now bare rowan tree.

I tried to take a snap to include it in the blog today but I may have accidentally frightened it away before I could get the shot haha.

Leisurely get up this morning, as I was going nowhere special and Ben had mentioned that he and Robyn would be joining me for lunch.

So breakfast was eaten and I went into the craft room to paint. At about 12 o'clock Ben and Robyn turned up, so we did indeed have lunch. Ben made Robyn some super noodles and I made the sandwiches and cups of tea haha. After lunch, Robyn dragged out her favourite game which she always wants to play when she is in the Jungalow it is called Funny Flamingoes and is actually quite funny.

After playing a good few rounds of the game Robyn asked if I could show her how to bake some cupcakes. So for the rest of the time, they were here this afternoon that is what we did. When they left at 2.30 she took with her 5 cupcakes which she had made and iced. Well done Robyn.

Of course, the best thing ever about baking any cakes is the licking out of the bowl at the end, which Robyn enjoyed greatly.

So this afternoon I was around at mums to await the phone call from the doctors. It was supposed to be 3 o'clock but it was getting on for 3.45 before she phoned. However the upshot is that mum has been offered a face to face physical exam in the surgery on Monday, I call that a result. But just a little annoyed that I had to fire off a grumpy email to get any response.

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