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Easy Peasy Cupcakes

A couple of days ago my good friend Karen from South Africa (an avid blog reader haha) emailed me requesting a recipe for cupcakes simple enough to make with her grandchildren.

This morning I was awake around 7 o'clock and decided that I would include the recipe I use on the blog in the cake section.

It is very easy and is a foolproof recipe which you can add any flavours to you like. I have used said recipe with all my grandchildren with great success, so give it a try.

It is my turn to host Sunday lunch today at 1 o'clock. I am expecting a couple of additional guests in the shape of Ben and Robyn. Nikki and Dominic are at a football tournament in Sheffield, so I invited them along as they were at a loose end, so I will be cooking for 6 today. Of all the celebration cakes and cupcakes I make with ease my nemesis is Yorkshire puddings, I get around this particular gap in my knowledge by buying ready-made Auntie Bessy ones, very lazy I know but I don't particularly want to serve my guest's flat soggy Yorkshires. So with that in mind, I consulted my sister Sue as she makes Yorkshire puddings of epic proportions, so I am going to give them a try again today, fingers crossed I am going in haha. Oh, my days I am super chuffed with the way these have turned out, just hope they taste as good as they look.

My garden is looking brilliant at the moment and when I was out touring the estate this morning I noticed that my bramble bushes were ladened with fruit and the Rowan tree was covered with red berries. I was intrigued by the number of berries on the Rowan and decided to do some investigations. So if you want to learn a little bit more about Rowan Trees hop over to the garden section of the blog and have a look.

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