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Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Well, here I am second day of feeling off. Nothing to write home about but the general feeling of offness haha. Yes, the syndrome mentioned NDTDA is absolutely in evidence today.

The fact that Sarah said I looked pasty this afternoon when I called to do her weigh-in didn't help.

So last night I went to bed at 10.30 read for 15 mins and then switched off the lights and went to sleep. This morning I woke at 9.45 which for me is a huge amount of sleep. But as you know the more you sleep the more tired you feel haha.

This lunchtime was my turn to host Sunday lunch which was done at a rapid pace as I literally had 2 hours to turn it around once I had gotten myself up. But at 1 o'clock my guests arrived to a full chicken dinner, I had even made my own Yorkshire puddings something I don't usually do after all Auntie Bessie does the job so well. My sister had made her version of a trifle which was very tasty.

Now as you know I have self-published 10 books and whilst I have not made my fortune from sales, I have had a steady trickle over the past 10years in royalties. Imagine my surprise last week when I opened an email with a small royalties cheque notification. I'm still beavering away at my latest offering which is a Dystopian Novel called Dreamers. Hopefully, I will get it finished this year and have it published before next Christmas.

This is the proposed cover for my latest book, I am well aware that it has spelling mistakes on the blurb and missed words but like I said it is a work in progress haha. But read the blurb and hopefully, when it is published you will buy haha.

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