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Dont be put to sleep!!!

Good morning campers......

Well, it has been another busy doing nothing world-shattering kinda a day at the Jungalow.

With Storm Dudley or Eunice, I am not quite sure which it is, ramping up outside I am defo not setting foot over the doorstep unless I have to, which means I have the school runs and Mcdonalds tonight for tea with the grandsons and that is it.

The storm is getting tasty with many of my garden trees and shrubs doing a good impression of a limbo dancer haha.

So I have exercised, which I am now starting to see the difference, which is great stuff, and I will again do some crafting this afternoon. I am going to be doing pyrography again as I was super pleased with yesterdays efforts, I need to varnish said pieces before I do any more.

Yesterday I introduced you to the intricacies of what turns a Novella into a Novel. Well, today with that in mind I went on the search for a piece of software to help.

Now, it is true that I can still type at around 60 words a minute from my days as a secretary. A little rusty used to be able to type 80 words a minute, but typing still interrupts the train of thought.

So I have found a product called Dragon Voice. It is voice recognition software, and yes you have guessed it, I sit in front of my computer and tell myself the next part of my novel and the software automatically types what I say.

Usually, I can type about 5 to 600 words doing it the long way before I stop for the day, but with Dragon voice, I happily chatted away to myself and accomplished 2000 words in 20 minutes this morning, result big time. So now that I have the facility to write faster, I hope that my novel when finished and published will not put people to sleep haha. Although judging by the theme of this dystopian tale it shouldn't.

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