Well, I have had a very frustrating day attempting to research and book a foreign holiday for Sarah and her family and me (the spare wheel) for next August I have to say my head is battered.
I tracked down a couple of possibles in Cyprus on Teletext but have been unable to get them to reconnect with me to talk further after I have shown Sarah the deals.
So my whole afternoon has been eaten away with hanging on the end of phone lines listening to inane music or trawling through various websites. So I think I will turn it over to Sarah and let her carry on, as anything I decide on would have to be approved by Sarah anyway haha, and I am very easy as long as I get away.
After the school run is moring I called in to see the mother unit to see how the decorator was getting on.
I arrived to total confusion, mum had slept in and was panicking that she had done so and had not had her breakfast.
She had been gotten out of bed by the decorator knocking. A lot of the furniture had not been moved in the lounge so the room was not ready. It was a good job I decided to call. Anyway whilst mum sorted herself out the decorator and I completed the clearing of the room so he could get started.
Tonight I should be hosting the mother unit for her tea, but we have been invited down to Sarah's for our dinners which is really nice. I think chicken drumsticks salad and chips are on the menu yummy.