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Disappointing meeting

This was me this morning preparing for our second street committee meeting ahead of the Queens Jubilee.

We had a very well attended meeting on the 9th of April and got loads done.

However, I had to cancel the last meeting as I had got covid, so the rearranged meeting was today.

So at 10.30 the trays of biscuits were placed ready and the kettle filled. But by 10.40 it was clear that the meeting was going to be a bit of a flop.

Only 3 ladies turned up which was quiet disappointing. Anyway we decided that we would sort it out between us and just allocate jobs etc to the various people in the Grove that said that they wanted to help.

So that was at 10.30 this morning, however, I had had a very busy morning before that. I have been looking after the old lady across the road, she has had Covid and has been quiet poorly. So her daughter had asked if I would do her testing as she was going away. So over this week I have tested her several times and today finally, her test was negative.

I had yet another phone call from the mother unit saying that she had forgotten how to turn on the heating and the TV. So after administering to Joan I high tailed it around to mums to sort her dilemma out. I will be defo making an appointment with her doctor next week because I am becoming more and more sure that mum is starting with dementia.

I got a letter the other day asking if I would take part in a cancer trial. It is through the NHS and is overseen by Grail Bio UK Ltd who are in partnership with the NHS and Kings College London. Basically it is a blood test and survey that will be repeated in 2 and 3 years. The study is to develop a method of detecting early cancer through blood tests. The blood test is called Galleri. So I was happy to take part in the trial as it is only a blood test and doesn't involve taking drugs. My first blood test is on the 7th June in a mobile unit which will be parked in Morrisons car park.

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