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Delay Don't Deny - Day 444


Had a bit of an embarrassment this morning. I woke at 7.15 thinking it was Wednesday and realised that I had no one to get up for so I went back to sleep.

At 9.30 the gardener Ian was knocking at my door, oooppps. I activated my door camera and apologised and gave him directions to make a start.

Meanwhile, I was scrabbling around inside getting myself dressed. A little later I appeared on the doorstep to find that he had taken instruction well and was beavering away under a Forsythia bush.

Whilst I was away this weekend Carol was telling me about the diet which she has been on for the last year. I was super keen to learn about it as she had lost 4 stones and was looking fab. Well, I have been following the diet since I came back and have already lost 6 lbs. I think that will tail off but it is a good kick start. So what is the diet, you may ask? It is basically fasting but is inspired by a book called "Delay Don't Deny by Gin Stephens. The bare bones of it are that you give yourself a 5-hour window when you can eat whatever you like, but (and this is the hard part) for the other 19 hours you eat nothing. I have chosen to eat between 5 and 10 each day, which means I don't go to bed hungry, and I have been keeping myself busy throughout the day to stop thinking about food. You can drink water, herbal teas, cold fusion fruit water, black tea or black coffee. But no sweeteners or milk. Me being me I have made myself a chart (I do love a chart to fill in).

I am not saying it is an easy diet to follow and does require a good bit of willpower but I am hopeful to continue on, I think with the weight loss I have seen already it will spur me on to continue. The thing is it is not complicated and has only a few rules. The hardest part is getting my mum to understand why I am not wanting to eat her fruit cake or banana sandwiches haha. As part of my distraction tactics, I have been making a toy sea horse this afternoon. Now that the kitchen is finished I can get back in the craft room and resume crafting.

I was telling you about my beautiful fried plants the other day so I have taken the decision to use artificial plants in the hot spots around the Jungalow. I know it is a cop-out but I seriously can't murder any more innocent plants. As you can see the artificial ones on the right don't look too bad. But are 100% better than the fried ones on the left.



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