Okay, there is a bit of medical flavour in today's blog.
I guess this is what my new knee looks like on the inside haha.
Over the last few weeks, I have noticed that my knee replacement has started to make the most horrendous noises. The creaking is quite audible, I actually recorded the sound just in case when I got to the doctor's my knee decided to play normal haha. I was getting quite worried about it and wondered if things were going pear-shaped already.
So today I went to see my friendly GP who examined my knee. After much bending, pulling and tugging in various directions he declared that my knee joint was incredibly stable and robust.
The fact that I have no pain and a great range of movement also reassured my doctor that nothing was untoward.
So what on earth is it, a question I asked him, apparently it is called Crepitus ( which is the fancy name for creaky knees) and occurs in about 20% of people who have had knee replacements. It is the noise of the plastic components rubbing against the metal ones. People without replacement knees can get crepitus but it is bone and cartilage that is rubbing and could indicate serious knee ware. He said there was no treatment for it at this time unless things changed and I had pain. So I have to put up with the creaking haha. Is parting comment was You are looking really well, really well indeed haha.

It has been so hot today. Up here in the frozen North, we hit 38 degrees at one point today. I know that those of you that languish in the Southern half of our fair isle have been hotter.
I heard on the news that an all-time record of 40.2 degrees was recorded at Heathrow airport.
But tomorrow it will be 15 degrees or so cooler, so I will have to get out my thick underwear and cardigan haha.
This morning before it got too hot I took the mother unit to the cemetery to put some new silk flowers on my father's grave. I have to say it was very peaceful in the cemetery, well it would be, wouldn't it haha. When I dropped her off home she suggested that our card games tonight should be held in the garden. That event happens maybe once a year but it will be better than being stuffy inside the house, and by the time we play some of the heat will have gone out of the day.