Well after my traumatic day yesterday I have been trying to click my flip flops together all day hoping that I would end up on a beach somewhere, a girl can only dream haha.
So an update on the mother unit. First and foremost she is fine, she is home and is finding the whole business yesterday very amusing. She actually said to me "You should have seen your face" thanks mum for taking about 10 years off my life.
The hospital was very good with mum and ran countless tests, Blood, X-rays, (which showed the Dynamic screw was still in its right place), blood pressure, diabetes, which all came back okay. They concluded that she must have fainted due to maybe the heat or the fact that she had not drunk any liquid all day and had one small sandwich for her lunch. However, it still remains that her foot is very swollen with retained fluid every day and she has bruising and pain in the same leg. I have booked a phone appointment with her doctor this afternoon to discuss the next steps.
My gardener is back today and I have a specific job that I want him to tackle. I want him to reshape the back lawn and straighten up the front lawn. It is a challenge that I have not got the tools or energy to accomplish so crack on Ian.
I feel as though I have had my right arm cut off today, as Sarah has borrowed my car. Hopefully, by tomorrow her mini will be mended and we can balance the status quo again. By that I mean no more morning school runs yay, I feel an alarm free morning coming just around the corner.
This weekend sees the return of my cake making. It has been a long time since I completed an order for a cake for anyone. So young Billy, Ritas grandson, will have the honour of kick-starting my business again. He will be 11 and is after a sports-themed cake with a Manchester United angle. Pictures will be forthcoming after the weekend.