Another busy day so far for the inhabitant of the Jungalow.
Obligatory school run as usual this morning. Leighton again requested an escort right to his classroom door. Even though I was going out early doors I still made time to fulfil his request.
As I have been a little lax when it comes to exercising lately I decided that I would walk into town for my breakfast meeting with the lovely Rita instead of driving.
I set off walking and 20 mins later I was in the centre of the town at the appointed meeting place.
However, the chosen cafe had changed its opening times and didn't open until 11 o'clock. As Rita and I had arranged our meeting for 10 o'clock a substitute venue had to be quickly found. Anyway, that was not a problem so the breakfast summit took place in a relatively new cafe called Phixx. I have to say it was great to see the sequined planning book in use again and definite progress has been made towards the planning of a Christmas Get-together
Around 12.30 Ben arrived for a cuppa and a lunchtime sandwich with his old mam haha. It was a quick catch up but as always a pleasure. After he went back to his new office in the town centre I made my way down to Sarah's to give Dave the dog a toilet break and a little bit of company, as Lee is working away for the next few days, before returning home to do some governor preparation for tonight's meeting.
It is now 4 o'clock and the boys have returned from school. They are each watching various mind-numbing programmes in various rooms in the Jungalow whilst I continue to work in my office haha. They have helped themselves to brioche, crisps, ice cream and drinks. My Governors meeting will start at 5.30 so I had better get myself something to eat because as soon as it finishes at 7.30 I will be high tailing it out of the Jungalow to the mother units to play our weekly game of cards.