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Big Trouble in Little China - Day 383

Well, the taste fest goes on. Yesterday I told you about the honeycomb hot cross buns, well day I am tasting the salted caramel ones. Again they are super lush. However, the hot cross bun purists among you may not even consider trying different flavours but take it from an avid hot cross bun eater these new flavours are well worth a try.

I have now completed the emptying of the sideboard and display cabinet in my dining room and will ask Ben (pretty please I know you read the blog) to help me move them out into my bedroom so that the work can start on Tuesday.

Last night I watched 2 films one Godzilla V Kong which is brand new and excellent and the other which was Big Trouble in Little China, made back in 1986 when we all had big hair and suspect clothing haha. A classic fantasy film that I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting.

I am all set for Easter Sunday lunch with Ben and his family. Eggs are primed for the egg hunt, the menu is set, easter eggs ready and after dinner games all lined up. Now all I need are my guests. It will also be my first Lateral Flow testing day. So excitement all around.

This afternoon I made the move back upstairs to the Princess Tower so that I could finish the emptying and cleaning of my kitchen. I am nearly there and have managed to keep the Jungalow clean and tidy and only kept the chaos in my bedroom.

I am just about to have some tea. Chicken Korma and jacket potatoes followed by rice pudding wonderful. Then I am going to sit down and watch a film and maybe start a crafting project I can do whilst watching.

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