On Wednesday evening Sarah and I went to the theatre.
The seats had been booked since January this year and it seemed as though the night would never get here.
We had decided to go to Salt Fish in town for our tea before going to the Hippodrome.
Several glasses of Pinot, Oh and a bottle of said Pinot between us later, Lee picked us up and dropped us off at the Theatre.
Sarah and I had half a lobster each with new potatoes, salad and samphire, which was absoultely delicious.
I finished off with Creme Brulee, well it would have been rude not to haha.
I think you will agree the meal looked delicious.
So what did we go see? We went to see Sister Act, we had front-row seats in the stalls and could have been part of the show we were so close, it was brilliant. However, when we ordered yet another bottle of Pinot we were told that we could not take it into the auditorium. So the only solution was to decant it into two large plastic beer glasses, very classy haha. The picture of the stage with the two drinks on it showed how close we were haha. The actual show was brilliant very funny and we both laughed and slurped our way through to the end.
OnThursday I was visiting the new Hopetown complex with my u3a group. We had arranged a guided tour which was brilliant. Our guide was the director of the collections (nothing but the best for u3a) Alison Grange. Over an hour and a half, she guided us around the new complex. She told us many interesting facts about the start up of the railways in this area pointing out items of interest. The improvements to the actual railway museum are fantastic and the feel of the exhibits are traditional but also efforts have been made to introduce modern interactive technology to enhance the experience. Ruth our chair got in on the act and was transported back in time to have her picture taken as if standing on the station just after it was opened. As you enter the main entrance there is an extensive shop area leading to a lovely café. The grounds around the grade two listed buildings have been well designed with a fabulous children’s play area which was designed around historic railway buildings in the area and there are lots of outside picnic spaces. There is also a hands-on Lego centre housed in one of the buildings.
Now back to my lounge. As I reported to you last week I had had a bit of a crisis with regard to stripping and painting the room, and as I said, after a day or so I caved in and got Alan my little decorator in to finish the job for me. So here we are with the paper and decore as it was at the beginning of last week.
And here is the new scheme in all its glory, I simply love it and think the tartan looks really classy. However, it has spurred me on to do (or rather Alan to be asked to do) more decorating so in three weeks or so he will be back to transform my hall and staircase, so watch this space.
I had a bit of a sad ending to my busy week when I attended the funeral of one of my lovely ladies who lived at the top end of the grove. It was full on with a church service followed by service in the cremortrium and then onto Blackwell Grange Hotel for a very nice buffet. I was playing chauffeur to my elderly neighbour Meg and one of my other neighbours Monica from the Grove.
This week's teaser. Can you find the cat hidden amongst the faces?
Last week's solution did you guess them?