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Antibacterial stalkers - Day 427

Good morning everyone, woke this morning to a grey overcast sky and the promise of rain not that far away. However, throughout the day it has been a well-mixed bag, sun, cloud, wind but as yet no rain. At least the moat has disappeared from around the Jungalow haha.

Yesterday I told you about my errant kitchen fitter who didn't turn up to finish the plinths in my kitchen. I had phoned and texted him to find out why but got no answer. My builder said he would try this morning. How badly do I feel now, the kitchen fitter phoned me this morning to apologise for not coming. The reason being that he had fallen down the stairs at home on Friday and was pretty banged up. He has spent the weekend in bed and is off work today. So on Thursday, he is coming to do all my jobs, in his words, his injuries will have healed a little and he will not look too horrific. Under the circumstances, I can wait another 4 days to have the new Jungalow kitchen finished. At least he will do all the work and not just the plinths in one day.

Tiddlywinks started back after a years layoff last week. Tiddlywinks, for those who don't know, is the playgroup that I helped to run at our local church. I was approached by the church a month ago with a view to reopening. However, the other girls that run the group with me are most definitely jobsworths I have to say. So last week they sent me a list of things that they feel were necessary to open up again. To say that they were impracticable and un-policable (is that even a word) is an understatement. I understand and fully support being safe but to try and limit the children to playing with one toy for 1 and half hours is ridiculous, have you ever tried to get a 2 1/2-year-old to socially distance haha. Then having to sanitise after every use. I was in charge of the crafting side but don't get me started on the proposed rules for that. I could have countenanced that level of cleaning at the end of the session, but not whilst the session was in progress. Children of that age are social butterflies and flit from one toy to another. So regrettably I have pulled out of the playgroup and I have to say I did share with them my doubts as to the success of the group with so many rules in play. Sadly the other girls will be like the KGB stalking the children with antibacterial spray, not for me. Maybe when it is more normal out there in the world I will return.

Last week I made 2 batches of cupcakes, the first lot were chocolate fudge cake and orange and the second lot were banana and vanilla muffins. Both times my grandsons were eager to tuck in until they found out what the flavours were. Then they flatly refused to even try them saying that the banana muffins looked like Yorkshire puddings, how very dare they haha.

So today I have made good old chocolate fudge cakes with no frills. I iced them when they were cool so I am expecting brownie points when they arrive from school this afternoon.

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