This morning the boys arrived as per and this little one was super excited for his upcoming birthday. Every day this week we have had a count down, so this afternoon when I picked him up from school he said that he needed to get home quick so that he could get his tea and then go to bed.
I asked him why, and he said then it will only be one sleep to my birthday when I wake up.
Let me also add these are my glasses, not his haha. He said they made him look older.
He has a beautiful set of teeth something I would pay a king's ransom for.
Harry had another taster at his new secondary school this afternoon. He was again a little unsure and was teetering on the edge of asking me to stay with him. I am glad he changed his mind as it would not have done his street cred much good with his old nana in tow.
After the school run, I headed out to have breakfast with the lovely Rita. It was a thinly veiled excuse to discuss the Christmas Gang get-together, in reality, it was a great catch-up session with an excellent breakfast thrown in for good measure.
We went to the Cactus Kitchen which used to be Tea With Alice. They had a good menu but the one which Rita and I were drawn to was the pancake menu. Oh, my days!!!!!!! the stack of pancakes was amazing and totally unrealistic for us to eat haha. Ben, you would love it, the range of pancakes American style was unreal, I will have to take you there sometime.
I battled through blueberry pancakes and Rita had maple syrup bacon and blueberries with hers, they were delicious, but like I said half that amount would have suited us better.
I have been battling tree stumps again today in the garden. I had this brilliant idea that if I blasted the hose pipe on a full jet at the root it would wash away the soil and leave the stump exposed so that it would be easier for me to get it out.
The idea was good, and soon the roots began to be revealed, but it made a large muddy puddle which took ages to drain away because the ground was so impacted.
But I have already reclaimed 8 buckets full of soil back into the garden from around the stump. I guess I need to be a little bit more patient haha.
I am not looking forward to smashing the retaining wall up as the top capping stones are pre-formed concrete and it is in one piece, hence Ben is bringing me the sledge hammer tomorrow.